#1 Consistency is the key to success

It takes a lot of work and a lot of time to achieve something meaningful. Consistently working towards something means committing to it. It means you are putting lots of time and effort into it, and that in turn means progress. By consistently getting work done, the volume you have done will start piling up and paying dividends.

It becomes a habit

Being consistent can also transform a difficult action into a habit. It becomes second nature and a much easier task to tackle than if you only get to it once in a while. Being consistent also helps develop your self-discipline, which is another key aspect of success.

Example 1 – Blogging

A good example of the effect of consistency can be found in blogging. If you only write an article once in a while, there won’t be much content on your blog and it’s very unlikely to take off. On the contrary, if you commit to writing an article a day, your blog will soon be full of content and is eventually going to gather a large audience.

Example 2 – Languages

Another example is in learning languages. Studying a new language a little every day is far more effective than doing a lot once or twice a month. This is why apps like Duolingo are so popular, they get you to be consistent. That’s why it works!

Your experience

Are you convinced already? Then get to work and let us know in the comments how it worked out for you!

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